Oh My Vlog and Cool Jaw understand the power of You Tube

Oh My Vlog and Cool Jaw understand the power of You Tube

Oh My Vlog and Cool Jaw understand the power of You Tube

You Tube and its impact on current affairs now has its ultimate mouth piece… Oh My Vlog magazine, which launched today.  Inside it has everything you need to know about your favorite YouTube vloggers – from Zoella to Tyler Oakley – and their fans.

Cool Jaw has long relied on You Tube to communicate with Doctors and Customers alike.  Check out  Cool Jaw® TV our You Tube channel. Gain product knowledge and insight to current topics of interest.

Don’t take our word, take our customers’ Cool Jaw® has enjoyed a favorable working relationship with our customers for nearly twenty years.

We pride ourselves on our excellent service, close attention to detail, and quality products. Over the years we have found our best selling points come from the customers themselves.

On our home page you can view video that will briefly walk you through the Cool Jaw System and introduce you to three of today’s leading oral surgeons. Listen to their unbiased testimonials and learn why Cool Jaw® is setting the standard for cold therapy within the oral surgery field.

Cool Jaw® – Versatile Pain Relief

Cool Jaw®  - Versatile Pain Relief

Virtually all Orthognathic Surgical Procedures benefit
from Cool Jaw®

Cool Jaw® products are ideal for wisdom teeth extractions, reconstructive jaw surgery, implant surgery, maxillary and mandibular trauma, and genioplasty, as well as facelifts and TMJ pain. Virtually all Orthognathic Surgical Procedures as well as Maxillary or Mandibular Osteostomy would benefit from the healing relief Cool Jaw offers.

In addition less common applications would include:

  • Maxillomandibular Advancement – surgical treatment and/or splinting sleep apnea
  • Chronic facial pain disorders
  • Frenectomyi-the removal of a frenum in the mouth.
  • Diastema Surgery – removing gaps in between teeth
  • Neck Cancer surgery and reconstruction
  • Removal of lower facial cysts or tumours
  • Revision of lower facial scars
  • Debridement of wounds over lower face

The Cool Jaw® System is a combination of Compression and Thermal Therapy. Each jaw wrap is available with your choice of two or four gel packs. Four: so that patients can rotate packs between freezings.

Cool Jaw Hot/Cold Therapy

Heat Helps! Relax your jaw muscles at night using Heat therapy.

Our traditional Reusable Cold Therapy Gel Packs freeze solid and remain cold for over an hour. Meanwhile, our Reusable Hot / Cold Therapy Gel Packs remain pliable when frozen and can also be heated.

Cool Jaw for Oral Pain

Cool Jaw offers both Cold and Hot/Cold Therapy Options for Pain Relief